Special Services

We will be holding two special services this Lord's Day, with a particular invite to anyone who doesn't go ... Read More

Special Services2018-11-12T03:57:39-07:00


The 187th synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America was held in Marion, Indiana last week. A brief ... Read More

RPCNA Synod2018-07-03T01:21:08-07:00

RP Mission Team 2018

Meet the RP Mission Team who will be in Stornoway from 18th-25th June Here.

RP Mission Team 20182018-05-24T04:12:35-07:00

DayOne – An Lanntair Statement

Please find a community statement concerning An Lanntair choosing to trial Sunday openings. The statement is available for signing online Here. ... Read More

DayOne – An Lanntair Statement2018-03-31T11:36:49-07:00

Thanks for Sympathy

Marietta, Donald and Donalda wish to thank most sincerely our own congregation and many outwith it for the many expressions ... Read More

Thanks for Sympathy2018-01-30T02:51:34-07:00

Bible Reading Plan 2018

New Year is traditionally a time where many of us make New Year’s resolutions, in one form or another.  The majority of resolutions ... Read More

Bible Reading Plan 20182017-12-30T04:24:27-07:00

Change of Location

Following a recent 2 week trial, all Church services will now be held at the Bridge Community Centre on Bayhead at ... Read More

Change of Location2017-12-04T08:37:34-07:00
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